Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do we ready for a financial crackover?/

The Indian investor is now left wondering whether it is time to call a market bottom anytime soon or if 2009 will be a repeat of the miserable 2008. The year till date has not been particularly encouraging for equity investors with the sensex down about 14% and the mid and small cap indices by a steeper 20% or thereabouts. In addition, the rupee is down another 6% year to date and the foreign institutional investor has continued the selling spree with around $2 billion of net sales in 2009 till date following the $13 billion of sales in 2008. Expert opinion appears divided between a potential market rebound and an imminent crash. It is, therefore, worth trying to make some sense out of the mayhem that may help guide investors to make informed decisions. Though the market has been correcting since January 2008, the December 2008 quarter was the first quarter since the turn of the millennium that the sensex companies have shown a significant near 20% de-growth in earnings. Even this earnings de-growth was buoyed by a robust performance by the financial sector that accounted for just under a third of the sensex profits and a 22% earnings growth. It is well known that falling interest rates and consequently high investment profits among banks contributed to a disproportionately large portion of the December 2008 quarter profits. This is unlikely to be repeated over the next few quarters because interest rates are possibly close to bottoming out after last week’s repo cut by the Reserve Bank of India. Moreover, public sector banks are unlikely to be earning a margin over their marginal costs on the flavour of the season — mortgage lending at “directed” rates — even without considering potential delinquencies. The spectre of nonperforming loans looms large on the banking system with a slowing economy despite being deftly postponed by creative “restructuring”. With the economic slowdown gaining momentum and possibly getting deeper and wider on the back of a worsening global environment, the outlook on corporate earnings cannot be anything but gloomy. From an earnings growth projection in the mid to high teens a few months ago, analysts are settling down to earnings de-growth in FY09 and FY10. Viewed against this background, even at near 8,000 levels for the sensex, it is difficult to make the case for a compelling buy on India. The marked deterioration in government finances over the last few months has resulted in the budgeted market borrowing of some $60 billion in FY10 and this can only rise further because of a slowing economy and subsequent cuts in excise and service tax. With this level of borrowing, the dalliance with low interest rates cannot last long. At about half the expected deposit accretion in the banking system and twice the statutory liquidity ratio, government borrowing of this magnitude will inevitably lead to choking of credit to the private sector in addition to bidding up interest rates. Given the abysmal returns that the government earns on its investments and the well documented mega leakages in its spending programmes, crowding out private sector investments has the potential to structurally dilute India’s competitive positioning in the world over the medium term. WITH the solvency of the big global banks in doubt, the appetite for emerging market risk in the international markets is almost non-existent. Despite near zero interest rates in the developed economies, the global financial system continues to be in a state of utter disarray. In a recent report, the International Monetary Fund has forecast a stupendous 92% drop in private capital flows into Asia. Against this background, banking on foreign portfolio inflows to give a leg up to the Indian equity market is futile. Viewed through the prism of the critical factors that influence equity markets — earnings growth, valuation, interest rates and liquidity — and given the earnings de-growth projections of corporate India and the consequent issues on market valuation, the potential firming of interest rates in the next few months and the dim prospects of capital inflows it is not surprising that the market is in a state of stupor. The policy vacuum for the next three months in view of the federal elections, especially in the context of continuing global meltdown is certainly adding to the all pervading negative sentiment. While the gunslingers in the market remain hyperactive, investors would do well to ignore the daily noise of incessant movement in stock prices and work towards enjoying the symphony of longterm value creation. They are indeed best suited to do this because having invested their own savings they are not under any pressure of monthly performance or benchmark and peer comparison like professional fund managers. Subjecting available information to a rigorous analysis and identifying companies that can survive the economic slowdown and grow their business and cash flows can indeed be rewarding in the medium term, more so because of the current rock bottom valuations of several investment worthy companies. It is important to realise that the stock market reflects price and not value. The market price represents the meeting point between the most motivated seller of some shares of a company and the keen buyer willing to part with his money to buy these shares. Given that the shares that are exchanged represent a small portion of the company’s share capital, the price at which the transaction has been put through does not affect most investors in the company and the true worth of the company is not really at play. This explains why the price paid for a share in a company acquisition is generally quite different from the market price. To sum up, though the near-term outlook for the market is not rosy, this phase too shall pass. Beyond the current bear market, the economic growth potential of the Indian economy is certainly not in doubt. While the market can correct a bit more in the short term, the intelligent investor should identify companies that can survive the current downturn and generate good returns when the tide turns over the next few quarters.

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